Hi World! Introduction

Hi! I’m Vania Cotta, the girl behind TRULY SOULFULLY EATS.

Growing up with no one to officially teach me how to cook, I strongly believe that good food is worthy of celebration. Through my blog, I want to celebrate the variety in food, mainly home-cooked comfort food.

I couldn’t think of a better day than today to begin this celebration, the journey of being a food blogger and celebrating food whilst I’m at it. This is my journey of celebrating my creations and my recipes. The creativity which I try to bring to every dish I cook or bake deserves immense credit, be it a cake baked by me or a chicken pulao cooked by me, not forgetting the various drinks too…

I love to experiment in my kitchen to satisfy all my delicious cravings hence the blog was initially called Delicious Cravings at Vania’s Kitchen. The blog is now known as Truly Soulfully Eats and will continue to do so.

4 July 2015- a day to remember, my 21 birthday too! Today is the day my blog is born…


Happy BIRTHday, blog!!!! 🎂

I never tire from whipping up storms in my kitchen especially when I know I’ll be rewarded with smiling faces which are fed the food I cook… They are always happy souls!

Real food involves real work. But there’s always a way around it, to work smartly in the kitchen instead of working harder… And it’s totally worth it.

Wow! Amazing! Awesome! Yummy! Delicious! You’re so good at this! – these are some of the things I often hear while observing those happy faces relishing my recipes.

Criticism is something I need, not in a negative way but just enough to improve my cooking skills. To know where I fail and to improve the skills I still have got to master well. Anyway, criticism is better than sarcasm, isn’t it?

The main idea I want to put forth through my blog is that: Cooking from scratch can be much easier than once thought.

My blog will be an avenue for all those amateur food lover who want to try their hands on cooking a pretty decent dish. My blog should come in handy to all those novice cooks trying to prepare quick- bites to add taste to their delicious cravings.

The highlights from Truly Soulfully Eats are simple and fresh family-friendly comforting recipes. However, I won’t rule out restaurant reviews or specific dishes which grab my attention whether online, in a restaurant or maybe even in the street food plethora.

My blog will also feature lots of great recipes that represent the local food culture- the Goan as well as the Indian food culture from where I originally belong but I’ll make sure to get global with my food adventures. Here, you’ll find me cooking up a storm: dishes inspired by my favourite restaurants, something out of the box, or just whatever I can lay my hands on at that moment.

I shall try to pair all my recipes and dishes with spectacular photographs and videos whenever possible and needed.

Rather than just a mere collection of recipes, I’ll try my best to make this blog a food experience for all those who look at it. I shall make use of stories to explore the role of food in our lives- as a tool to nourish our bodies, unite family members and friends, show appreciation and affection for others and provide us with a unique food heritage.

I love all food, so it’d be hard for me to choose a favourite, but I have a soft spot for cheese (even though I am lactose intolerant now), coffee and Portuguese-Goan foods are my delicious cravings. I love cooking for occasions like parties at home and I enjoy every bit of it.

Food has shaped our world and in return food is also shaped by our world. Given the complexities of my rich, ancient and varied Goan cuisine, food has always been a prominent marker of the Goan identity. I am a Goan. And, I promise to delve into this Goan cuisine through my blog mainly to honour my roots.


My future plans:

  • Get my cook book published. Then another. Then many more.
  • Open my own restaurant. Then another. One day become a famous name in the industry.
  • Win a Masterchef title! (ONE DAY)

I love to cook truly from my soul. Welcome to TRULY SOULFULLY EATS!


Thanks for dropping by, please enjoy this journey with me!

And, please do follow me on:

Instagram : do not forget to tag a picture of your food using the hashtag #trulysoulfullyeats

X : Tweet and Retweet letting me know about your food adventures and delicious cravings.

Pinterest : Pin on some recipe you want me to make next and share my pins too

Facebook : Follow the Truly Soulfully Eats page and group to know about more food adventures I’m up to and also to get to know me better

Also, if you care then write to me on contact@trulysoulfullyeats.com – this is also for any collaborations and business talks.